Friday, 20 April 2012

DIY T-Shirt-Safety Pin Size Adjustment

So a few months ago I bought a shirt at a thrift store and it was just a bit too tight but I figured it would be an easy fix.  It took me awhile to get around to doing anything but when I did I figured it was best to remove the high neck line to give it a nicer look than plain old t-shirt.  And to fix the size issue I cut the back all the way up the middle and put it back together using safety pins.  This added about an inch of room onto the shirt and it now fits perfectly. 

And just a quick update on my 'The Cure' shirt.  I did wear it and actually got quite a few compliments on it.  I was a bit derpy that day and forgot to take a picture so a photo of the completed product will be posted when I get around to wearing it again.


  1. Bright bra strap o_o No worries, when I have shirts with a lower cut, I like to wear it so one of my straps show rather than creating a weird "valley" for my cleavage, per se. Yay for shoulders!

    I haven't thought of that -- I used to go crazy with safety pins but not as much anymore. T-Shirt DIYs are always fun, but I don't really have the time for them like I used to ..

  2. I need to start doing DIY...I love safety pins.

  3. nearly forgot about safety pins for diy jobs :-O

  4. I love this!! :D

    I love safety pins. I have them on everything.


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